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Roberto Cavalli 狂野中的时尚代表

Roberto Cavalli 的设计风格大都表现狂野,时尚,特别是在2011年春季的新款式设计,女装搭配在一起,突出了野性和情色的味道。超长繁复的流苏设计令人眼花缭乱。每到夏季, lunettes de soleil Cavalli 都会是最热门的流行元素之一。春季这样嚣张的流苏设计获得很多青少年的喜欢.



Roberto Cavalli是由意大利著名设计师罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 创立的世界知名服装品牌,

Just Cavalli是其为年轻人创建的副牌。自罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 于60年代创立公司以来,其狂野性感的风格成为时尚潮流的先锋,成为米兰时尚圈最“野”的品牌。

在90年代, Cavalli 时装成为在时尚潮流之外独树一帜的形象代表,矛盾冲突处处可见:两种秉性迥异的材质融于一体,简单朴素与奢华贵气两种极端气质的混合,在正式典雅与随意嬉皮之间的游走,彻底瓦解了刻板的配搭理论!可柔可刚、可内敛可奔放的双重特性,俨然成为新生代的审美取向。   多年来,Roberto Cavalli 将其公司不断扩展,设计了多个品牌的系列服饰,其中 Just Cavalli 是其与 Itterre 公司专为年轻人设计的品牌,成为年轻人追求向往的时尚品牌。   时尚界狂野教主Roberto Cavalli向来只走自己的路,奢华的皮草大衣、民俗风刺绣、图案繁复的粗针织上衣是众所周知的重要单品;化简为繁、取材自然是品牌贯有的设计手法。但Cavalli最吸引人的,莫过于是那望眼即知,男性荷尔蒙铁定过剩的浓浓痞味。   罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 1940年诞生于意大利艺术世家,早年在佛罗伦萨艺术学院学习设计。70年代,Cavalli 就以华丽复古的风格设计崭露头角,其作品中大量的以动物皮草为元素,罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 的招牌特色就是大胆用色、性感剪裁与奢华材质!   Roberto Cavalli 时装向来雍容华贵,兽纹上的变化发挥,令明星们趋之若鹜,每季采用的材质也越来越奢华。以锦缎雪纺、丝绒绸缎、皮革皮草、宝石水晶,加以繁复手工的巴洛克刺绣,穿搭出混合波西米亚与拜占庭式的灿金效果,轻飘的雪纺锦缎,则染上黄晶玉、葡萄酒红、宝蓝等各种深浅宝石的色彩。   极简不敌繁复,Roberto Cavalli 是个超级范本,对普通人而言,穿搭Roberto Cavalli 是略有难度的,入门快捷方式是从配件或是著名的兽纹入手,由微处进阶高段,逐渐驾驭全身 Cavalli 装扮。不过,若是你自信满满爱受众人瞩目的话,扣紧“少即是多”理论,就错不了!   罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 这几年越老越红,Roberto Cavalli 品牌不仅深受明星追捧,也被越来越多的人所认识。Cavalli 说,“我只为热爱生活、热爱自然、懂得爱的人设计,并且希望他们的个性通过我的时装更强烈地表现出来。”   的确,Roberto Cavalli 的设计永远被激情和自我表现的欲望左右着。 Roberto Cavalli 是本世纪最经典的设计师应该当之无愧。   H&M就本年度的设计师合作向Roberto Cavalli的专属世界敞开了大门。这名意大利设计师将专为H&M打造独一无二的男装和女装系列。Roberto Cavalli作为世界上最激动人心、最具创意的时装设计师之一,他在该款设计中将秉承他一惯的狂野风尚兼具强烈感官诱惑力的风格。   Margareta van den Bosch说:“Roberto Cavalli在色彩、图案及式样方面创造的是一个标志性的梦幻个人世界。他的世界完全没有腼腆的余地,也绝不可能屈就于主流日常基础服装。Roberto Cavalli时装系列代表了奢华和成功的生活方式。”

“Roberto Cavalli at H&M”时装系列将于自2007年11月8日起的限定时间内在全球约200家特选H&M专卖店推出。该系列将由20款标志性的男装以及25款包括内衣与配饰在内的女装组成。Roberto Cavalli说:Burberry lunettes de soleil“作为H&M历史上首位意大利设计师,我热忱欢迎这次的合作邀请并且很自豪能将我作品中生动与积极的精神带给新的消费者。他们将能亲眼看到并亲身诠释我的设计风格。我热爱自由和挑战:打破壁垒、体验不同。我将在H&M实践这一切。我还要补充的就是欢庆和梦想。”   凭借无限的创造力Roberto Cavalli是一名闻名于明星与上流社会的设计师。他经常为国际知名人士提供服饰,其中包括Madonna、Beyoncé、Gwyneth Paltrow、Charlize Theron、Jennifer Lopez、Sharon Stone、巩俐、Victoria Beckham、Lenny Kravitz和Adrien Brody。Cavalli先生的眼光就是魅力、性感以及革新风格的代名词。弗罗伦斯的传统匠艺加上汲取于自然界的色彩、饰物及图案共同演绎出了一个独特并且无与伦比的设计风格。   如今,Roberto Cavalli的品牌世界包括男、女签名装系列、为年轻一族设计的Just Cavalli系列、Class Cavalli大众系列以及面向男孩、女孩们的天使与魔鬼系列。此外还有海滩装、内衣、鞋履、眼镜、手表和香水。Roberto Cavalli品牌世界的其他产品有家装饰品、葡萄酒与伏特加酒。   时尚界狂野教主Roberto Cavalli向来只走自己的路,奢华的皮草大衣、民俗风刺绣、图案繁复的粗针织上衣是众所周知的重要单品;化简为繁、取材自然是品牌贯有的设计手法。但Cavalli最吸引人的,莫过于是那望眼即知,男性荷尔蒙铁定过剩的浓浓痞子味。

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why the air jordan Female fashion shoes were excluded at 2011

At the time, have their own exclusive shoes, this treatment is unprecedented. This is very interesting, it gives us plenty of satisfaction of entrepreneurs. By about three to four years of study, Jordan this very, very smart guy, but also became involved in these things. He read a lot of European fashion magazines, not only men's magazine, as well as women's magazines Yo, because he really wanted to learn. I think one reason is the success of Air Jordan that Jordan can not ignore that this is his company, his name was on the top, about the success or failure of his own, he and Tinker Hatfield (Nike designers) also established a very good partnership. Obviously, whatever you ask anyone, NIKE SHOX OZ they would say this is the best shoes, the best designs, combining the most advanced technology, and prices are rising in tandem with word of mouth, the first pair of shoes listed, as sell less than 59.99 U.S. dollars, and now, some people buy 459 dollars, but will also buy a lot of pairs.

Q: Do you think Michael Jordan who could create this type of miracle?

David - Falk and Jordan mutual support, the achievements of two of their business empire today

David Tencent AP - Falk, the United States the number one sports agent, Nike air jordan pas cher his fame, originated in one of his clients - Michael - Jordan, Falk is get out in 1984 between Jordan and Nike relationship, the Empire was growing Nike, Jordan Brand has gradually become a reality, the strong iron rule of Hengqiang repeatedly confirmed. In fact, more than Michael Jordan, he was Patrick Ewing, Allen Iverson , Elton Brand , Turner and others in the broker, in its heyday, he was also the agent for more than 40 customers, NBA history, the first " billion in a single giant "is his handwriting, is the real power to send a real league. Today, Falk has been busy at work is no longer the first line, he has more time to enjoy their own lives, in an interview, the following is the recent in his Washington office the contents of an interview:

Q: Can you talk about the cooperation between Jordan and Nike, in the end is how is it?

Falk: I and the director of marketing at Nike, Nike Tn 2011 Bob - Scola Joseph is very good personal relationship, and I was in it (signed) on the hold decision-making power. I can not let other people do the Lord, because I know how to think they are, their relationship, what avenues. Downer - the relationship between Dell and Adidas is very good, Lee - Fentress and Converse very close. I was still a feather boy, trying to build their own network of relationships, Prada chaussures Homme I found that Nike is a very small growth companies, so the fact Michael Jordan and Nike contract is entirely based on me and Bob - Scott Rutherford's personal relationship.

Jordan is a very intelligent person, in the first few years, he just wants to be a quiet audience, and I was sole agent he dealt with related matters. Because Nike is a small entrepreneurial companies, not so much stereotypes ugly moments, but also the courage to explore and experiment, so when Bob and I often sat in a bar in Portland, pondering a way out, then let us really think In another "see the wine to drink," the clubbing trip, we figured out a jet of advertising on ideas, this is the Air Jordan prototype.However, this is definitely a major event at the time, because - Larry Bird did not have a signature in " Magic Master "Johnson did not," J Dr ", NIKE ZOOM KOBE 6 Bernard - Golden, Isiah - Thomas did not I think this is why Jordan's first All-Star Game, he and others were excluded because Isiah, envy, jealousy, hate ah!


Falk: Oh, of course, I think that year's "Magic" Johnson to be. The reason is very simple, he in 1979 got to the NCAA champion University of Michigan, he is the Lakers selected the champion, while the Yankees and the Lakers are in this nation's top-class market - Los Angeles, got his rookie NBA championship, Finals MVP, so you think about it, Sac louis vuitton pas cher he was 12 months to get the others an entire career may not be able to obtain the honor, and 12 months took him into the Hall of Fame, and he highly personalized, there are blatantly nickname, no one will move, "how do we named Elvin - Johnson's shoes?" these issues now, he called the "magician", nike tn pas cher you know, it is readily available brand. He has a charming smile, the Lakers "Showtime" the creator of the way this business is ready to see you go do not go. In fact, whether past or present, has not changed over the real problem: the stars do not know how to show out of their own intellectual, can translate into business opportunities for themselves. So, I am now trying to find " Bryant who "," LeBron who "type of player, that can now tap the potential value of their own players, like Jordan, like in 1984.


2011 gift to send Women's Day -Nike tn

With the development, the significance of traditional thirty-eight has been changed, the modern city will thirty-eight people have interpreted as a section of urban women, in March 8 day Lunettes de soleil Ray Ban festival is the women themselves, can not only enjoy half-day paid leave can also accept gifts from all sides. Company or unit will prepare some benefits for the ladies, and her boyfriend, and her husband are more women in the March Eighth send Valentine's Day for his gift of a fine to express their lover's wishes. Then, in 2010 March Eighth Day can give a woman what a meaningful Valentine's gift? Take a look at it.

1 Yoga Kit (March Eighth Day woman the most meaningful gift to a lover)

For now, urban women, the body's physical and mental perfection and their pursuit has been the main theme of yoga has a long history, so that people who practice the profound easily attracted to it. In particular the increasingly rapid pace of modern life, in order to survive, life, many people feel physically and mentally exhausted, and even forget the pleasure of communing with nature. Yoga can be thin plastic on the muscles, improve physical flexibility, relieve stress. How to suppress distraction heart, mind and nature to find the interface. The pressure of larger, or the beauty of the lover, this is March Eighth send her the most meaningful gift.

2, tribute silk nightgown (thirty-eight the most intimate gift to a lover)
Now the pressure of work and life so that urban women are physically and mentally tired, warm and cozy home Although you can drive away their tired mind, but can not rid the body of burnout, a comfortable pajamas, such as the silky-like feel, cool , soft, not only gives physical and mental pleasure, relieve stress quickly to sleep. Special tribute, this high-grade silk pajamas to send Valentine's, not only romantic, and noble, made her feel a queen! Send pajamas and underwear, also reflected a close. And sent to all code-based pajamas, underwear, size does not fit there will be no embarrassment.

3, the lotus (thirty-eight most fashionable gifts to a lover)

Your beauty is like the lotus just left the water, pure and charming, Lunettes de soleil Ray Ban (any jewelry you are like most pure desecration of the United States, only this amber pendants, it does not have the luxury of gold, no silver eye-catching, dazzling diamond shine without it slightly shiny, crystal clear water, the middle of the red chips as the hibiscus water, quietly show off your elegant simplicity, let your spirit is full of water! This section to give jewelry in thirty-eight wife as a holiday gift of beauty most appropriate, because the amber symbol of the eternal, just as the young lovers, as you love to remain constant.

4, healthy weight boxes (thirty-eight most classic gift to a lover)

Containing natural plant extracts and minerals with high body sculpting materials, professional weight salt bath oil with the taste of fresh dried flowers, can gradually improve microcirculation, accelerate fat burning and decomposition, to avoid the accumulation of fat, eliminate cellulite phenomenon, compact and whitening skin, slim build, slim beautiful body.

Carpenter Tan shower massage, which helps thin rub of salt, full of salt effect; after the toning bath towel, super absorbent capacity, easy to erase the water, so bathing happier.

Leisure to be a thin SPA, light fragrance to your environment, stretching in a warm comfortable and forget the hustle and bustle of the city, do a eclectic beauty.

Slimming tips: Because adipose tissue in subcutaneous tissue under the dermis, Ray-Ban lunettes de soleil the use of more massage should be as much as possible, especially lymphoid tissue section. After the parcel and preferably wiping layer of plastic wrap, and then for a period of time, to enhance absorption.

Recommended: March Eighth lover to give pursuit of beauty.

5, always love you (thirty-eight the most romantic gift to a lover)

Love to the depths, close your eyes, your beautiful mind is full of shadows, NIKE ZOOM KOBE 6 love in every moment, so I was in my happy beautiful day, SHEEN fashion colors and figures, women account will show a new look. Warm pink and silver watch chain with, so that women's independent self-confident, able to shuttle between work and life, is still distributed shine, attracting a huge audience. When  move slowly, Nike Air Max Tn 2011 you will find it hidden inside my thoughts and love you deeply, let it accompany you around, I always love you.
38 Women's Day 2011, the warmest wishes - wishes with your name personalized homepage.


NBA USA test the water at Europe for Nike 2011

  LONDON, March 5 Sports (Xinhuanet Zhang Wei) New Jersey Nets and Toronto Raptors 4,5 O2 Stadium in London on a two-day trial of strength, marking the NBA globalization ushered in a new milestone. NBA regular season is not only the first time in 20 years, the areas outside of North America, is Europe's first NBA Nike Air Max Tn 2011 landing attempt.

  O2 Stadium in East London, is no stranger to the NBA, played for 4 years here have NBA preseason, which is ushered in last year's superstar Kobe Bryant led the Los Angeles Lakers. Although the first movement of the British football as a strong unshakable position, but every game tickets selling out in light of the good news is highly encouraging to NBA, so the regular season, "test the water" in Europe, Nike air jordan PAS CHER it is from here.

  Previously, NBA regular season is over in Mexico and Japan 13 games, after they saw everywhere the preseason, regular season is still back home. For serious, results count in the regular season, so the team large class men travel long distances to the players to overcome jet lag, new surroundings and other factors, and let the local season ticket holders have the loss of small fans, NBA's expansion plans obviously more cautious.

  However, the focus on globalization's "ambition", NBA players have been satisfied by the recruiting countries to attract attention. Appeared in London said NBA vice president of Silverton, NBA commissioner David Stern said before, one day may be an NBA stadium in Europe, and now is to test the Nets and Toronto Raptors. "Look at this way of travel during the regular season have little impact on the players and see how they adapt to this arrangement, NIKE ZOOM KOBE 6 then go back and how to adjust."

  Nets owner Prokhorov said he was very much agree with the views of NBA, that is, the next step in the development of globalization is the Union. And the Russian people themselves also have to fight the globalization of the Nets team ideal. "Our team from the U.S., then there is me so a Russian Rose were the boss, our team from France, the Netherlands, Slovenia and other countries of the player. Then, we in London against teams from Canada, they team in Brazil, Spain, Italy and other countries of the players, it sounds how globalization. "

  In fact, in order to achieve their lofty ideals, NBA patiently all these years has done a lot of groundwork, in addition to continuously attract the eye to the preseason, they also set up in London by the 35-member delegation, is responsible for organizing various promotional activities. Nike Tn PAS CHER Earlier this year, NBA Basketball Week for the first time launched in the UK. Basketball around the youth of various interactive activities carried out in London, Birmingham , Newcastle , Manchester and Sheffield and other places to start.