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Experience the new trend of the guide running shoes-Nike Air Max Preview EU

Up to now, Nike, addidas sports products companies such as the company has designed a variety of running shoes, look back with Nike air max 2003, Nike air max 360 is a classic.

Why is Nike Air Max Preview EU is the new trend of the guide running shoes

Running shoes can be divided for sprint, long-distance running, and casual wear, with all the advantages can not

For the following analysis:

   Technical characteristics of running shoes:

   1. Soles are the most important part of running shoes, high-tech running shoes soles, followed by a horseshoe-shaped cushion and a variety of different parts of the foot to adapt to different forms of movement patterns composition. The so-called air cushion heel, heel central location is equipped with a small organ-type air cushion, the use of air cushion and absorb shock absorption and energy production rebound, the pressure increases, a corresponding increase in rebound, followed by shock than conventional shock-absorbing function only greatly advance a step. Followed by a new type of air cushion can be replaced within, according to player weight, foot type and needs of different sports, air density and have different models.

Among the earliest is a:tn requin ,Nike Air max 90

2. The last side was inclined to be like, to facilitate the foot to move forward. Soles should be layered, and the thickness of different materials before and after. The most direct and the lower part of ground contact to be extremely resistant, but not hard to lose the cushioning effect, and shall have the appropriate distribution of protrusion, traction on the ground only, it will not slip. Soles of the top 1 / 3 should be soft in order to fit Shu toe joint dorsiflexion, reducing Achilles tendon injury. Select shoes, preferably in the afternoon. Because then the foot has been active for several hours, when the large than the morning. And when you choose to wear sports shoes, socks, a good idea to be wearing new shoes, the other wearing shoes, so compared with each other only after the feet wearing new shoes, the most easy to see whether the fit. Space should be reserved for the front toe, and toe can not be contacted because of the possibility of wider shoes to wear for a long time, but will not increase the length of the shoe so the actual length of some feet more than 2,3 cm and more appropriate.

  Nike Air Max Preview EU uses 90 window air, ankle guard is very stable sense of technology.
Used as the new Nike Air max Pas Cher , right, is the technology of running shoes air max upon exposure to be given due attention, because in this fashion shoes, we can see the integration of technology and retro aesthetic. Big green cushion, such as the AM 95 different fonts, and followed by the supporting film, can be seen to have both the fresh kind,

Literally: the English "Preview" (Chinese Italian preview) term in represents the vision for the future and look forward to, and now the term has really become the name of a shoe war, as it has been shocking debut, and this is shown in the figure Nike Air Max Preview EU! Of course, with its reference compared to the classic shoes,Nike Air Max Preview in the market still has a long way to go. The wings on the back-end shoes engraved "airmax", this is obviously from nike air max 91 of the handwriting, and marked on the side of the hook body of the shoe in some way with the rest of blending, which it makes one immediately think of Nike Air Max Bw , In addition, shoes fascinating side-wings, also inherited from the Nike SB Zoom Tre AD of the essence. This time the two pairs of new products were launched, including the above black / silver / fluorescent green version, and the drawing of a white / blue color of the AM95, which will soon meet with you. This shoe store is now well-known thermal Titolo sale, like the Friends of the shoes is important to start fast.

This is why the distance races, they can stretch to accommodate the slightly moderate swelling of the feet, these are not necessarily a result of its advantages of non-leather running shoes can not be bought. In accordance with these principles, you can get a good pair of jogging shoes. Note, however, do not wear running shoes in basketball, tennis and other ball games. Because both sides need special shoes to strengthen, in order to facilitate the rotation of the foot and the sudden movement of the thickness before and after the relatively flat soles, if you wear running shoes to play basketball, tennis and would often occur sprained foot injury.Nike Air Max 2010new we do not miss out


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     Domenico Dolce和Stefano Gabbana两个意大利人,在携手共创Dolce & Gabbana品牌前,人生的道路是全然不同的,一个小时便常跟随父亲在小服饰店内选布料、剪裁、与裁缝,另一个则与时装完搭不上关系,直到他们在米兰相遇,才促成Dolce & Gabbana的诞生。Dolce & Gabbana的作风非常独特,创业之初步不但婉拒交付大成衣工厂代工生产,坚持自己制版、裁缝、样品和装饰配件及所有服装,还只任用非职业模特儿走秀,对于当时讲究排场的时装界,是相当独树一格的。展示会中经常播放古典音乐、化妆、地中海发型及具有一头黑发和南方女子身材的模特儿所经营出的南意大利西西里岛风情,几乎以成为Dolce & Gabbana独特的标志风格。意大利女性穿著讲究饰品,使得Dolce & Gabbana的配件都显得相当华丽,从皮草制的复古提包,搭配绣满图案的及膝袜,都极具Dolce & Gabbana设计风格。与饰品相较,Dolce & Gabbana的眼镜就显得较为低调,避免复杂的金属装饰,复古简单的设计,突显出干练的都会气质。90年代初内衣外穿的风潮,奠定了Dolce & Gabbana内衣与泳装系列复古风格的基础,传统造型的内衣成为重要的搭配单品。而其所推出的香水更获得许多大大小小的奖项。值得一提的是Dolce & Gabbana并不等于D&G,D&G是它近年来越来越受欢迎的年轻副牌。两者结合了来自意大利的万种风情,为时尚圈带来活力四射的风格与创意。相关产品: Manteaux D&G homme,

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代表是一种风格外, D&G Dolce & Gabbana更代表了一种生活方式: 这个品牌说的是年轻人的语言,以完全自由地试验材料和形状为乐。 D&G Dolce & Gabbana生活在没有地理边界的当代大都会,从中汲取刺激、灵感,然后转化成富有设计内涵的时装系列,充满讽刺和反对随波逐流。



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青花的博客 nike 系列 Nike Air Max 2009 5 代 透气轻式跑鞋


    Nike Air Max 2009 5 最近设计出来 加入网面材料,透气,底采用碳素纤维橡胶,Air Max 2009将跑鞋的轻质材料运用到大部分鞋面上


   采用 FLYWIRE飞线技术,这种技术还应用在 Nike Air Max 2010上,全脚掌MAX AIR气垫。是少数几款继承其传统风格的运动鞋。给予极大的舒适脚敢以及视觉冲击。

  同时,以及保留了AIR MAX本身传统的鞋身设计线条,通过使用垫皮,设计师不仅为新型无泡沫耐克气垫跑步鞋构建起框架,并为足底和足跟提供了有力的支持。而这种做法在其它Air Max系列耐克运动鞋里也很常见。通过运动鞋前足部位的弯曲凹槽设计,鞋子的弹性得到了加强. 如同 Nike Air Max BW Classic 


  锯齿状的防滑设计 呈现出动态的美感。 耐克气垫鞋采用透明的Pebax cage包裹和支持着耐克的Air-Sole单元,利用Air Max气垫组件给足跟带来极佳的缓震,轻质网眼鞋面具有良好的透气性。AIR MAX 见证了NIKE运动鞋在避震上的发展。Max Air的气垫设计方式提供了可靠的避震能力。但是不同的位置有不同的气垫指数。大底采用碳素纤维橡胶,所以抓地能力比较好。和 nike air max tn requin 一样的底部

更多的新款 可以留意 Nike 官方网站.




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